Wanted: People who SING!
Wanted: People of all ages to join Dayton's premier barbershop chorus, the Dayton Metro Barbershop Chorus. We sing modern tunes and barbershop classics in 4 part a cappella harmony.
You will:
Practice and perform with a group of talented and motivated fellow musicians-in-training
Learn how to sing in a barbershop quartet or chorus
Improve your singing: we work on vocal technique, close harmonizing, ear training, sight singing, and performance skills
Expand your repertoire of classic American popular songs
Enjoy fellowship and song every week with a great group of folks and if you've never heard a chord ring, you're in for a real treat.
Musical experience is a plus but is not required. Even if you can't read music, if you can carry a tune, carry it here and you'll be singing harmony in no time.
We meet every Monday at 7pm at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 33 W. Dixon Avenue in Dayton.
All ages (current members range in age from 16 to 82) and all singers are welcome. If you're too busy to sing then you're just too dang busy!
Use the Contact Us link if you have any questions.